Knight Commander of the Court of Honor

The Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour (KCCH) is not a degree, but an Investiture, bestowed upon members deserving recognition for faithful services to the Rite or to mankind. At the biennial session of the Supreme Council, certain 32° Masons are chosen to be invested with the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour. The respective Sovereign Grand Inspectors General or Deputies of each Orient nominate members for this honour, and they must also be unanimously approved by the Supreme Council. This Investiture is a prerequisite to receiving the 33˚ but does not guarantee he will receive the 33˚. The Rank and Decoration of KCCH may not be requested, and if requested must be refused. The cap of the Knight Commander Court of Honour is red with a darker red band trimmed in gold. In the center front is a representation of the Knight Commander Jewel, a Passion Cross with fancy arms, featuring in the center a trefoil embroidered in green encircled by “Kt.·. Comm.·. Court of Honour” embroidered in gold.

KCCH Officers

CommanderBrian K. Autry, 32˚ KCCH
Lt. CommanderJonathan L. Floyd, 32˚ KCCH
PriorRobert L. George, 32˚ KCCH
TreasurerAlan M. Davis, 32˚ KCCH
RecorderAlan M. Davis, 32˚ KCCH
OratorDoyle W. Tallmage, 32˚ KCCH
ChaplainBobby K. Jordan, 32˚ KCCH
Master of CeremoniesJames A. McKinney, 32˚ KCCH
GuardianPaul J. Adams, 32˚ KCCH

KCCH Members

Calvin M Landrum, Jr.10/19/1981
Leon D Brown10/06/1997
Kenneth D Wallace12/06/2003
E Willard Eason12/10/2005
Robert L George09/29/2007
Mark A Johnston11/21/2009
Harold E McGill11/21/2009
Christopher E Tackett11/21/2009
William A Jones11/21/2009
Gregory A Patrick11/21/2009
Carl H Endert10/08/2011
Joseph L Lester11/02/2013
Calvin S Lockhart11/02/2013
Jerry C Ogletree09/19/2015
Elmer Smith09/19/2015
Doyle W Tallmage09/19/2015
John J Hall III09/23/2017
Michael L Mims09/23/2017
Paul J Adams10/19/2019
Robert R Clay10/19/2019
Brian K Autrey09/11/2021
Jonathan Lavine Floyd09/11/2021
Alan Michael Davis08/26/2023
Bobby Kaid Jordan09/09/2023

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